Dear visitor,

You entered the official M a r l o B r o e k m a n s site.
She will lead you through the “mirrors” and the “windows”; staging inner worlds as well as visions of the world out there.

Be my guest but please respect the copyrights; do always ask permission for any use of these fotoworks as they are protected under law!

The artist wishes to thank the Materiaalfonds, the Fonds voor de Beeldende Kunst, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst, the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Mw.R. De Bruijn, De Hr.L. Broekmans, Ma Prem Hanny & Tim v.d. Sterre, and my models, collectors, galeries and friends for all their support.


Marlo Broekmans

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VPRO interview "De Avonden": Marlo Broekmans